I'll record notes here at The Wealthy Mindset for the next 10 weeks, sharing what I'm learning during my personal Dream Coaching sessions.
Dream Coaching Day One Lessons
- Success is not a linear path. It has twists and turns, peaks and valleys. Often, when people get off track from the path to fulfilling their dreams, they become discouraged. This is when most people give up on their dream, when all they needed was to course correct and wait out the storm.
- If success was a simple linear path, most people would be wildly successful. The road to achieving a dream is often chaotic, and is paved with challenges and fears. It's those who can feel the fear and do it anyway who succeed.
- We must set intentions and become clear about what we want. An intention is different than a simple want. When you "intend," you set out to do or accomplish something -- no matter what. After setting an intention, chart a course of action.
- Before setting your intention, take 15 seconds. Breathe deeply, clear your mind and then ask yourself what you want.
Lessons My Coach Taught Me
- When you have a goal, focus on accomplishing tasks you have control over. My goal was first to close one sale next week, but my coach helped me reframe. I can't control whether or not someone purchases from me, but I can focus on having sales conversations with five people. Continually having these conversations will lead me to my goal of getting another client.
- Start a business journaling habit. At the end of each business day, write what worked and what didn't. This will help you to quickly course correct when you get off the path.
- Break long-term goals into smaller segments of time. I have a major three year goal. My coach recommends breaking this down into yearly goals, and breaking each year into overarching quarterly goals. However, she says to never plan immediate business goals more than 60 days in advance.
- Add new revenue streams to serve your existing customers. Poll your customers to learn what their challenges are, and how you might better serve them. Meet those needs with a new product or service.
- A mantra: Money comes easily, quickly and abundantly. Say it to yourself every morning.
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