Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What Does Your Dream Really Look Like?

One of the wealth mindset principles that many a self-help guru holds in high esteem is this:

Get super clear about your dreams and goals. 

It seems simple, but not everyone has the kind of clarity the gurus speak of. If you want your goals to become a reality, allow yourself to dream a fully formed vision of what you deem "success."

Note: Your version of success is most likely not what the mainstream deems success. Mainstream success involves 50-plus hours a week toiling away in corporate America, two fancy cars and an expensive mortgage. This does not have to be your version of success.

If you aren't crystal clear about your dreams and goals, try this:

  1. Allow yourself to dream, without judgement. Dream about things you've never allowed yourself to, because you were being too practical, people told you it was a bad idea or you simply didn't think you were capable of accomplishing it.
  2. Even if you don't know how you will accomplish it, continue to shape your dream. This part of the process is supposed to be fun. Do not allow negative possibilities. There is room for that, but not just yet.
  3. After your dream is fully formed, find the holes. Where are you likely to run into road blocks? If your dream is bigger than your problem -- and it should be if it's a true calling -- then you will find solutions to every obstacle ... eventually.
  4. You can't think of all possible scenarios. Don't let not having everything figured out stop you from moving forward with your dream. You will figure it out along the way. You were not born knowing how to feed yourself. Neither were any of the great men and women who have risen to acclaimed heights.

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